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Movie & TV Series Reviews

The Hobbit: Part III:

The Battle of The Five Armies

  • Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
  • Actors: Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage 
  • Directors: Peter Jackson
  • Rated: PG-13
  • Studio: Warner Home Video
  • (2014)

Taking place right after the events of Part II: The Desolation of Smaug (2013,), this time, after defeating Smaug in the beginning of Part III, now, Bilbo and his companions are forced to engage in a war against an array of Orcs and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into their hands.


Ok, first off, the cast is, once again, amazing this time around. Martin Freeman returns for the final time as Bilbo Baggins, and his character has really come full circle. In Part I, he was a reluctant newcomer, in Part II, he was matured, and more braver, and now, for Part III, he has become a complete adventurer, and really wants to just help lead to victory. Plus, Freeman's acting is the best out of the entire prequel trilogy. He was brave, and you felt like his character had evolved the most in this movie. Ian McKellen also returns as Gandalf, and he is the best in the movie. His character is so well developed, and you really understand the weight and emotion he has. Also, his combat skills and wiseness show off the most in this movie. Richard Armitage returns, however, for the unfortunately final time as Thorin. Him and his dwarves will last be seen in this movie. But, their screen presence definitely leaves a mark. Thorin, as I said in the review for Part II, gets corrupted by the greed of Smaug's trasure, and for the first 45 mins of the movie, it focuses on him being consumed by mad power and greed, keeping it all to himself. In fact, for those first 45 minutes, it feels like he is the villain in tho movie for a little bit, just due to how much greed andm ad power he is consumed with. Luckily, after a nightmare a few mins later, he regains his consciousness, and comes to his senses, and is ready to fight with his team of dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo for one last time. Thorin is such a well developed character in this prequel trilogy, much like Bilbo. Thorin goes through so many good and bad character developments, and you really get to understand him, and feel like he is one of your own friends. In fact, that same statement can be said for most of the characters in this movie. Especially Thorin and his dwarve team, who leave an unforgettable mark, both on cinema, ansi your minds. Heck, even Sylvester McCoy returns as the awesome forest wizard, and Gandalf's friend, Radagast returns, and brings a whole freakin' cool army of giant woodland friends to help Gandalf and the others in their battle against the Orcs.


Cate Blanchett also returns as Galadriel, and she is well, ok. Her acting isn't that good in this movie, in fact, laughable at times, but she still does her best, with all her energy(literally,), to help Gandalf defeat the Orcs. Christopher Lee also returns as Saruman, and well, he is good. I don't want to spoil too much, but even though I haven't seen the next 3 movies in this series, let's just say I already know the downward path this character is headed towards. Hugo Weaving also returns as Elrond, and he really looks cool in this movie, especially when he helps Gandalf fight the Orcs in his cool Elf battle armor.


Luke Evans also returns as Bard, killing Smaug in the first 30 minutes of the movie. His character is also very cool in this movie, going from a reluctant fisherman in the last one, to helping to defend his great Lake Town, his family, and the town's citizens from the oncoming Orc army. Ryan Gage also returns Alfrid, Laketown's master servant. His acting is a little bit better, but his character is a real jerk in this movie, because his a lazy coward, and a kiss-a**. Luckily, he doesn't appear THAT much for me to hate the movie because of him. Orlando Bloom also returns as Legolas, and he is now a genuine ally of the dwarves and Bilbo, helping them in their battle against the Dwarves. His combat skills have been perfect in this movie, his acting is phenomenal, and his character really shows some genuine care for others in this movie. Evangeline Lily reutnrs for the final time as Tauriel, Legola's friend, and one of the Dwarve's love interests. Her acting is so emotional this time around, and you can see that especially when she is fighting, she still thinks about, and will do anything for that dwarve she fell in love with. Lee Pace also returns as Thrandieul, the king of the Elves, and Legola's father.


Benedict Cumberbatch also returns, sadly for the last time, as cinema's most badass dragon, Smaug. He is just as flawlessly perfect as I described him in my review back earlier for Part II, but he is just so damn cool. It really sucks he gets killed so pathetically in the first 30 minutes of this movie, when he left such an impact as this prequel trilogy's main villain. And now that he's dead, we have to focus back to these 2 annoying idiots: Manu Bennet as Azog, leader of the Orcs, and John Tui as Bolg, 2nd in command of the Orcs. I'm sorry, but these 2 are just annoying and are nowhere near as flawlessly, perfectly awesome of a villain as Smaug was. And these 2 Orcs never will be.


The music, by Howard Shore once again, is not just good, not better, it's flawlessly epic and perfectly AWESOME! His score fits the movie's epic, grand, adventurous tone so well, especially in this movie out of the whole prequel trilogy the best. Also, 3 songs from the film's soundtrack work so well when played in this movie:

1.) "The Edge of Night" by Billy Boyd - played during the film's premiere teaser trailer few months ago, this song BRILLIANTLY captures the essence of fantasy, and the concluding tone of this prequel trilogy.
2.) "Dust And Light" by Twelve Titans Music - this song has a nice epic battle, and feels like it belongs in a big, grand, fantasy movie like this. It was also played in the film's premiere teaser trailer.
3.) "The Last Goodbye" by Billy Boyd - this is played during the movie's credits. It is such an emotional song, and really makes you feel sad to say goodbye to all the characters you met, and really grew fond of while watching both this movie, and this prequel trilogy. And Boyd's vocals fit so well with the farewell tone this song brings to your ears when hearing it. in fact, it almost makes you cry. Honestly, it's that moving and touching of a song.


The directing, by Peter Jackson (The Hobbit: Part I: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Part II: The Desolation of Smaug, The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring, The Lord of The Rings II: The Two Towers, The Lord of The Rings III: The Return of The King, King Kong (2005 Remake,),), is, well, FLAWLESSLY PERFECT! He does no wrong in this movie. He finally gets everything right this time around. Every single aspect correct. Much like George Lucas did with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005.). Lucas finally got the hang of his new CGI effects from ILM, and that certainly paid off in the movie, that movie was all action, with better, and improved dialogue, with a better, but still kinda annoying love story, the story was the best the prequel series had gotten, and the characters and story all come together as well, leaving a lasting impression in your heads, and keeping you ready for the original trilogy to be watched right after. And as for Peter Jackson, and THIS movie, the same can be said. It was all battle and action, this movie felt like a real war, all the characters and story all come together as well, leaving a lasting impression in your heads, and keeping you ready for the original trilogy to be watched right after, the effects are at their best here, especially that AWESOME 48 FPS frame rate, along with the best, beautiful, and lavish colors this prequel trilogy has ever seen. The story is the best, and the characters have the best character development here as well. And this film's pacing is flawless too, giving PLENTY of suspense, and edge-of-your-seat intensity. It also fills you with a little bit of nostalgic sadness, because it's hard to know you won't see most of these characters again, at least for the prequel trilogy. It was a great, magical, and wonderful 3 movie adventure I will never forget watching. And, someone who has never seen the original 3 LOTR movies, I was just waiting to finish this prequel series first, to get a better understanding of the story. But, now that I am done wit hthe prequel trilogy, time to start watching the next 3 movies next week. As for Bilbo Baggins's epic 3 movie adventure, all I can say is, thanks for 3 fun, fantastic trips to the movie theater, and helping me get introduced to the Middle Earth films. Ladies and gentlemen, it is official: The Hobbit: Part III: The Battle of The Five Armies is my honest pick for the BEST movie of 2014. It is also the best movie in The Hobbit prequel trilogy. The poster is correct: it IS the defining chapter in this film series. Why? Because it is a perfect, and grand conclusion to The Hobbit prequel trilogy, and an epic start to the next 3 Lord of The Rings movies. DEFINITELY GO SEE THIS MOVIE WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE! IT IS A REQUIREMENT, AND AN ABSOLUTE MUST SEE! And, for that, I am giving this movie a SOLID 10 out of 10.



10 / 10

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